Senior Programs
The Attleboro Norton Y fosters a vibrant community of active older adults who prioritize physical activity and make the Y an integral part of their healthy lifestyle.
- We offer a variety of Water Fitness and Group Exercise classes that are specifically designed for active older adults.
- Water Fitness Classes: View Current Schedule
Water in Motion
Aqua Fitness - Studio Classes: View Current Schedule
Chair Yoga
Keeping Fit
Tai Chi
Active Together
Balance & Flex Together
Strength Train Together
Group Cycle
- Water Fitness Classes: View Current Schedule
- Pickleball
- Senior Strength Training
- Tai Chi
- Walking Track Hours
- People Need to Sing
- Line Dancing
- Tai Chi
- Senior Camp (Fall & Spring)
Did you know that your health insurance might pay for your YMCA membership?
Attleboro Norton YMCA is a participating fitness facility in various medicare programs designed to help older adults achieve better health through regular exercise and health education.
If you have an eligible medicare plan, you may have access to a special senior medicare fitness program, which entitles you to all the services and privileges of a regular Y membership – at no cost to you!
Current Available Programs:
- Senior Whole Health
- Renew Active (through UnitedHealthcare Medicare)
- Tufts Health Plan Senior Care
- Silver & Fit
Senior Meals
The Attleboro Norton YMCA is proud to offer free meals for seniors.

The intent of this program is to support those seniors who struggle to have hot evening meals due to financial constraints, mobility constraints, health issues, and transportation issues.
Meals are available on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Register for a curbside pickup time slot or for at-home delivery.

(For at-home delivery, meals will arrive 4:45-5:30 pm. At-home delivery only available to homes in Attleboro or Norton.)
Please be sure to register each person who will need a meal, so we prepare the appropriate number of meals for you. To register, click on the link below or call (508) 222-7422.