Private Swim Lessons Private Swim Lessons

Ages: 3 – Adult

The Y staff will be happy to work with you and your family in small groups or individually.

Private and Semi-Private lessons are booked through Jeanne Sharples, Private Lessons Coordinator. Interested students should fill out a questionnaire which assists us when placing students with an instructor.


Private Swim Lessons

Private Lessons

Private Lessons (single): $35/$50  
Private Lessons (4 pack): $115/$175  
Private Lessons (8 pack): $215/$325  
Private Lessons (12 pack): $310/$465

Semi-Private Lessons

(For lessons of 2-3 swimmers. Price is per swimmer.)
Semi Private Lessons (single): $25/$35
Semi Private (4 pack): $90/$125
Semi Private (8 pack): $155/$230
Semi Private (12 pack): $220/$325