To do our important work, the Attleboro Y relies on support from members, donors, volunteers and community leaders.

Volunteer recycling

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The Attleboro Y works side-by-side with our neighbors every day to make sure that everyone in our community has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. 

Senior Meals Volunteer Drivers

The Attleboro YMCA is looking for volunteers to deliver meals to local seniors in need as part of the Y’s Senior Meals Program.


Volunteers are needed Mondays and/or Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm, and must be able to provide their own transportation. Each volunteer will come to the Y’s Downtown Branch at 4:30 pm and then deliver to four addresses in Attleboro or four addresses in Norton.

Board of Directors

Term Ending 2024

Krista Allan
Joseph Collins
Kevin Cryan
Alissa Hall
Paul Leveillee
James Lewis
John McCarthy
Paul Oliveira
Howard Powell
Scott Robison
Christopher Sweet
John Wezowicz

Term Ending 2025

Jann Alden
Joe Casey
William Clemmey
Jane Coogan
Mark Cuddy
Carolyn Blake-Dibbert
Scott Ebert
North Grounsell
Scott Jones
Todd McGhee
Ian Prescott
Laurie Regan
Rich Renoni

Term Ending 2026

Charles Cederberg
Alex Cekala
Brian Clark
Edward Dion
Thomas Kelly
Kate Mangiaratti
Mark Mariano
Jeffrey Nelson
Robert O’Donnell
Paul Schleicher
Courtney Shurtleff
Jim Sweeney
Justine Zilliken