Norton Outdoor Center Norton Outdoor Center
Natures preschool

Explore nature in our outdoor classroom with forest, field, wetlands, and riverfront habitats! Kids spend 80% of their day outside, with sheltered areas for rain or snow and an indoor space for severe weather.

Schedule A Tour:

Contact Catherine Desjardins at to schedule your tour.

Questions or Ready to Enroll?


September to June
Monday - Friday 
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM


3 to 5 Years. Must be potty trained. 

Weekly Pricing

5 Day: $351
3 Day: $227
2 Day: $173

Nature preschool girl leaf


  • Children will develop a lifelong relationship with the outdoors through nature-based learning.
  • Free choice activities and guided experiences allow children to expand their math, science, and language skills while exploring learning in the natural world.
  • Children’s natural curiosity is encouraged through inquiry-based, multi-sensory activities.
  • Activities are grounded in best practice early childhood standards.

Additional Information

  • All students must be enrolled as Y members.
  • Enrollment is accepted year-round, depending upon availability.
  • Financial assistance is available, thanks to donations made through the Y’s Annual Campaign.
  • Third-party payments and state vouchers are also accepted.

Enrollment Information

Current School Year:

Please fill out our Interest Form and we will get back to you in 1-2 business days.

New Family Enrollment:

If your child will be between 3 – 5 years old by September 1, 2024, please fill out our Interest Form. You will be invited to visit the school for a tour and to meet with one of our teachers or directors to discuss our unique outdoor curriculum. 


Once we are full, we will maintain a waitlist for the upcoming school enrollment cycle.